We are currently accepting applications for the police academy.
To apply, you must download BLE Orientation Packet.
Upon review, and confirmation that all documents have been submitted you will receive an email with your scheduled appointment date for your CVSA and Psychological test.
For application payment please email northbursars@mdc.edu your BLE Application Payment Form and they will process payment virtually.
Florida Law Enforcement Academy
The Florida Law Enforcement Academy Career Technical Certificate prepares students for certification as police officers in the state of Florida. The Full-Time Florida Law Enforcement Academy runs for approximately six months M-TH, 7am-6pm. The School of Justice, Public Safety and Law Studies also conducts a Part-Time Florida Law Enforcement Academy that runs for approximately nine months M-TH 5:30pm to 10:30pm. The cost and requirements for this program are the same as the Full-Time Academy. The program emphasizes practical applications and competency-based performance.
This program is offered at the School of Justice, Public Safety and Law Studies only. All Criminal Justice Standards Training Commission (CJSTC), as well as Department of Education (DOE) and local standards will be met.
Correctional Officer Cross Over to Law Enforcement
Program Overview
The Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission has established basic recruit cross-over training programs to provide lateral movement of officers between criminal justice disciplines. Applicants to cross-over programs must meet the requirements of 11B-35.002(6), Florida Administrative Code.
Program Implementation
Course Hours:
Commission-certified training schools must deliver a minimum of 518 hours of instruction in the Correctional Officer Cross-Over Training to Florida Law Enforcement Basic Recruit Training Program. Instructors are permitted to adjust the delivery hours of specific courses within the cross-over program based on the experience and knowledge of the students and the number of students in the class.
The School of Justice, Public Safety and Law Studies at Miami Dade College offers a variety of driver improvement and vehicle safety courses. A full-time driving range is staffed by experienced current and retired police officers, including several instructors who have attained a Master Instructor rating from the State of Florida.